The continuing drama...

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A bird in the hand... and out.

What a crazy and magical thing. My day started with a lovebird (guess which one) laying an egg in my hand! Here's the story:

When it was time to go to work, I made the birds their warm noodles as I do every morning. Lately, Zen has been so excited about the noodle that she's flown right in front of Cory and I to get to her cage. This morning, she didn't come. So I called her. And I called her again. I went to her cubby and knocked and she didn't answer. I started freaking out thinking she'd gone into the library and was eating books. No Zen. Went to the kitchen, no Zen. So I went back to the cubby and knocked, shook her Legos, all the tricks that usually work. Well she was being more stubborn than usual. So I totally opened the cubby, and still no Zen, but I thought I heard something from her box. I started pulling at her paper shreds and she came out of the box hissing at me. I finally got her to step up onto her towel and I took her over to her cage. As I was putting her in, I looked at her and thought, "Wow, she really looks like she's going to lay an egg today." As she grabbed onto the cage bars with her beak, I looked more closely and the egg was sticking out! I wasn't going to make her hang on the side of the cage and drop her egg and watch it break, so I quickly picked her back up and she layed the egg in my hand. Then I put it in her Happy Hut and she went to pig out on seed.

After I closed Zen up and washed my hands, I went to put Cory in her cage. I think she was all traumatized from the activity, because she would not get in her cage. I called S. to tell him what was going on and went back to her and she started doing her crazy big eyed flying away from me thing. I tried for about a half hour to ignore her, then go back and try to bribe her to no avail, so long story short she got to be cage free today.


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