The continuing drama...

Monday, July 24, 2006

What a nice surprise!

Look what I got in the mail on Saturday! My auntie was nice enough to make me this glasses case and I really needed one for my sunglasses, too.
These phone pictures taken under fluourescent lights don't do it justice - the colors are much prettier than they look here.

Monday, July 17, 2006

One step backward, 2 steps forward...

Big step backward: my computer died last night. I mean DEAD (yes, all caps dead). Couldn't reinstall system software, nothing. So, this morning I had to erase the hard drive, reformat and start all over again. Ugh!

But 2 good things happened today -
1, I got my yarn from WEBS!
2, I found Pandora!

And by the way, Hi, Mom!

Friday, July 14, 2006


I finally got my links to work! I'm so excited! Be sure to visit the links I've listed and check out some of the podcasts if you're a knitter (especially Guido - he's my favorite).

In between days

Well, the next week is going to be hotter than hell, but I'm always thinking ahead. Found my next sweater project in a lovely wool blend, perfect for working on through August!

This is the Portland sweater from WEBS knit in Valley Yarns Rainbow:

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Beachcomber Resort rocks!

Just got back from Florida and the family reunion. We had a great hotel - found it on the internet and it was perfect!

Right on the beach, beautiful balcony, and the sound of the waves put me to sleep. I can't wait to go back.

Check out the Beachcomber Hotel

Here are a couple pictures from our balcony. I'll post some more trip pictures later...