The continuing drama...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

It's official!

Put the deposit down on our next cruise!

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

No, I did not stick to my list

(but I was close!)
Here's what I bought:

wire straightening pliers
case for my tools
blue and purple wire
micro tools
a reamer for my friend Anita
split rings
silver wire
a cast silver coral pendant
a beautiful necklace

That's not TOO bad...

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Something to cheer me up

I'm grouchy, but I found this poem. I don't know who wrote it.

I long for the solitude
of a sunset at sea,
and the chill of the breeze
coming in with the eve.
For the motion of my boat,
as she swings on her rode,
and the beauty of the stars,
in the evening’s last glow.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

If I say it out loud, it must be true...

So Bead & Button is this weekend and I'll be there Saturday for an afternoon class with my friend Lori. The good news is that we'll only have a couple of hours to shop. I'm publicly posting my shopping list so that I have to stick to it (I'll let you know how well I did on Monday).

Wire straightening pliers
Micro tools
Thin silver neck wire
Charms from Green Girl

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Oh, happy day.

Went to my part-time job last night at Loft in The Glen. There were 4 of us working in an empty store all night. So I got to wax paper all the hanging rods. It sounds stupid, what what a joy when the hangers slide so nicely without getting tangled up. They all made fun of me all night but it sure beat standing around watching the clock tick...

So I got home and my sweetie had saved me a slice of Alegretti's pan pizza with sliced beef on it. I stuck that in the microwave, poured a half glass of Lo Tengo malbec and excitedly opened my June package from my One Skein Secret Pal. So excited - a beautiful soft pinky/purply sock yarn called "Melody". I've never seen this before and I'm really excited to try it. I'm thinking about lacy wrist warmers.