The continuing drama...

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Happy Museum Friday

I had yesterday off and S. left work early and we went to the Field Museum. We saw the new Dinosaurs exhibit that talks about all the new research and what they have learned about dinosaurs recently. There was a lot about the proof that birds are dinosaurs, but we already knew that. Then we saw the Ancient Americas exhibit and Evolving Planet. It was a great day to be downtown and pretty quiet at the museum.

Here is S. getting attacked by a Pterodactyl and a picture of the "Terror Bird".

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Spring has sprung! (Finally...)

We went to the Morton Arboretum today on the second day of my April weekend off! What a beautiful day. There is nothing I can say that can't be said in pictures, so without further ado...

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